November 25 is coming up, Dumaguete's charter day, and if you're Pinoy, you'll know that when a town's Fiesta comes, people celebrate with a lot of food and hospitality. People love fiestas because you could go to houses to eat what they have prepared - most of the time you'll get invited by your friends but based on experience, you can also invite yourself when you tag along with friends who got invited. It's really one of the occasions when you can guiltily lust on lechon and get drunk like there's no tomorrow.
But aside from the "eating", there also have been regular fairs set up in the narrow streets near the city hall and the park. They have a lot of stalls for ukay-ukay, bargain shoes, some music, plastic tables facing a stage with local performers playing. You know, typical good festive mood.

There was also the street dance parade but it started at around 5 and it was getting dark. i don't like taking pictures in the dark, with or without flash.

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