Been working for a month already. So far, still here, waking up early, long bus rides, overtime work without pay and geting home everyday hoping to have a satisfying dinner and more or less eight hours of sleep. My weekends consist in doing laundry, some sleep, going to the grocery store and chatting with family and friends.
I'm planning on moving soon, somewhere closer to work and a room that I can occupy alone. I never realized before how I cannot live with room mates. I'm a light sleeper so even soft noises kind of wake me up. And it's been a bit difficult having to be in the same room with my current room mate.
I haven't touched my camera for so many days. I've just been using my phone's camera these days but I never really get to take that many photos even. I've actually been really cautious of when and where I take pictures here because I feel like it's unusual for people to take photos like on the bus, or on malls or on train stations. And there are cctv cameras everywhere so I'm really careful 'cause this is Singapore. People get fined for so many things so I think it's best to just keep the photos to a minimal. The only places I feel ok to take pictures are in tourist spots or landmarks, which I also haven't been anywhere near in for weeks (a.k.a ever since I arrived).
Moving on to happy thoughts. I have been thinking of doing some travel in the future if my current job goes well. I will have to find the time to go on vacation though. Anyway. I am looking into attending a friend's wedding in Spain, hopefully it's still on for next year. And while I'm at it, wishing I can also see some of beautiful Paris. But, like I said, all are just nothing but plans for now.
I'm also really hoping I can find a good friend to travel with me. I know those places would be so awesome to see in person but I think it wouldn't be as enjoyable as having someone else experience it with you. That, plus the fact that I need someone to take my pictures. lol. But no, really. I would really love the company. Traveling alone is also one of my "to do" things but there are places I would like to travel with someone. I remember seeing something on Pinterest today which I agree with a hundred percent:
It has been rainy these past few days. People here tell me they don't have typhoons here like what we have in the Philippines, where one typhoon passes by every week which floods everything in a matter of hours. Here, I notice, it could get rainy one day and then scorching hot the next day. Oh and by the way, when it rains really hard, very loud thunder comes with it. Like thunder which really startles you whatever it is you're doing. Loudest thunder I've heard occurs here so far. And the biggest and orangest moon I've seen was also from last week. Here, they also don't experience flood because they have deep huge drainage systems. I've always loved how everything is in place in this country. I have so much admiration for its people and leaders.
By the way, yesterday as I was walking up to my building for work, there was an old couple ahead of me, really old like they could be in their 80's, and they were walking together going up a short flight of stairs holding hands. It was quite a nice thing to see early in the morning and makes me think these things still exist today. Very sweet, I tell you. I "awwwed" silently watching them. On another note, later that day, I boarded a two-storey bus heading home, climbed up the stairs and saw that a lot of seats were empty except for two pairs of couples snuggling and hugging and stuff. For a moment I thought I entered a movie house. I felt like I didn't get the memo or something. "Um, did I just ride the love bus?" I have no point, really. I just wanted to share.
In the meantime, I leave you with some photos I took one rainy day as viewed from our flat window.

Kat I have missed some of your blogging. But I'm catching up now. (On iPad and my typing skills are terrible punctuation etc) I enjoyed this post. I feel that you are I are quite alike. You say things sometimes that I often say to myself! If you can handle the cold, and I'm still here, then do a little stop in Ireland when on your travels! :) I'll travel with you..
ReplyDeleteI agree on the iPad issue. It's so hard to type fast with correct spacing and punctuation. I always find myself pressing the backspace key.
DeleteTravel with you would be such a great idea! Though I'm not sure how we can do that but if you have ideas, i am open to it. Anything is always possible.
And a visit to Galway is now on my To Do List, i wouldn't miss a chance to meet you in person! Thanks for dropping by!