My recent curiosity for the art of decoupage lead me to doing handpainted flowers on woven bags. I loved how decoupage looks on the native round bags. I looked for plain ones online and was disappointed that the bags alone cost a lot. I decided to check out local shops for native bags as well as pouches or anything similar which can look lovely when painted on.
I found these woven bags made of tayok-tayok grass. They're cute, the size of your palm and in it can contain a phone, keys, wallet and some few other stuff. There is also a round handbag which I also love. I purchased one of those from 6200 Popup fair last September at Marketplace. I'm looking at buying some and painting on them.
This is the first bag I painted. A basic bouquet with three flowers and leaves. A bit of a challenge to paint on very rough surface. At first I thought the design wouldn't popup from the texture but it helped to outline them a bit with black paint.
This time, it's just tiny blue blossoms, like cherrry blossoms, only they're blue. I finished and thought something doesn't look quite right.

I decided to outline the little flowers using a black Zig Painty Pen.
I think it looks better with the outlines. The flowers look more visible and defined.
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