Painting miniature artworks using watercolors

I was looking for an alternative to artist's tape and found out I could use washi tape instead. I tried it out on a scrap of paper and was happy to see it worked! So I decided to do a proper painting.

I prepared a 7x5 inch ready-cut watercolor paper and made a grid of twelve blocks, 4 columns and 3 rows. I painted these landscapes and galaxy scapes, some sea scapes and one or two sunsets. It was really fun to do, as they're smaller than the usual size I work with.

After paintng, I was so excited while peeling off the tape. And well, it did not disappoint! The mini's look really great up close. Better than expected. Now I'm wondering if I can do one with flowers.

This reminds me so much of Loraine Loots' Painting for Ants which I absolutely adore. I'm so awed by her talent and her work. She paints very small round paintings of everything in great detail!

So here is my own versiono of painting tiny art. Supplies I used are listed below:

Upcycle Idea - Used Paper Bags

Re-use take out paperbags by using the reverse side and turn them into tiny favor bags! All you need is a nice washi tape, cute sticker or gift tag, ribbons or twine and some DIY time!

You will need:

* used paper bags
* a pair of scissors
* stickers, washi tapes, gift tags
* double-sided tape or glue
* some goodies to put in the bag