Photography Wishlist 2011


[1] Sprocket Rocket
[2] Epson v700 scanner
[3] Nikkor 85mm 1.8
[4] Helios 44-2 2/58
[5] Lomo L-CA
[6] Canon AE-1
[7] Various 35mm film brands
[8] Fuji Instax 7 or 210
[9] Lubitel 166 TLR

Dumaguete in film - Vivitar PN2011

This is the test roll from the toy camera i purchased in a thrift shoft (Alymae Surplus), and i wasn't even sure if it worked because the store lady told me all their cameras are no longer functioning. I bought it anyway because i had a feeling she didn't know a lot about cameras. I had a feeling she thinks that cameras need batteries to work and this one doesn't require one and that is also why it is very light.

I was very satisfied with how sharp it captures landscape. It is sort of a wide angle camera after all. By the way, it also can shoot fake panoramas. Fake because of the black plastics that show on the upper and bottom frame giving the illusion of a wide picture, a panorama.

Shot with Kodak ColorPlus 200

Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film
Dumaguete in Film