A first look at Xander

You'd think photographing a newborn is easy because all they do is sleep or lie on their back, but it never actually is.

My friend's new bundle of joy, her firstborn Xander, popped out of her recently and at day 22, we thought we'd take pictures to remember the beauty and fragility of babies and what joy it can give you just by looking at their wrinkled skin and cute little teeny tiny hands toes.

I'll be honest, we just managed whatever blanket and pillow we found in their house. I wish I had those stretchy woven fabrics that you can easily wrap around the baby, but had none. Instead, we had a scarf. It would have sufficed except that we were inexperienced with posing babies. We were in a room with a nice big window, we just placed him on the bed with a lot of pillows underneath a blanket.

Extra care was taken in wrapping him and making sure he kept sleeping. He woke up in the middle of the shoot and well, we continued anyway.

We tried our best and decided it would do for the afternoon.


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