Back from Batanes

I took another opportunity to see a new amazing place over the weekend and flew about four thousand miles both ways, Singapore to Batanes. It was somewhat planned over a short notice, just a month prior to travel dates. But it was a place I wanted to see, and with a long weekend that was coming, who was I resist temptation? It's true what they say: "Travel is one thing you spend on that makes your richer."

Everything could not have been more perfect. The forces were with me during that time and it definitely was one of the best trips I have ever taken so far. Going alone was a great decision. I expected so much before going there and I tell you, Batanes did not disappoint. Exceeded expectations and should be a must-see for anyone who loves nature and/or landscape photography.

I have yet to go through all the photos I took and hopefully I can give justice to the place but here is one to give you an idea how incredibly gorgeous Batanes is.

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