Floral Obsession

There's bound to be a blog post after a huge wave of inspiration struck me in the previous days. I've been experimenting trying different simple drawings to do in watercolor.

Flowers are always great subjects and you can use any color on them and they don't have to be so accurate. I think it's one of the best things about watercolor, or probably any kind of art for that matter. You don't have to be so accurate when you paint. Sometimes, just some dabs of color can do the trick. I'm so glad and surprised that some of the flowers I started drawing, despite being rough with inexperienced strokes, they still somehow resemble their real-life equivalents. I never thought I'd be able to paint anything while I was growing up and even after I finished school.

But all this also makes me realize how much we can make use of abstract even though we don't really know a lot of the technicalities of drawing. What's important is there's enthusiasm to do it and of course most importantly, inspiration. It's what drives you to do something. It's the force that makes you get up and believe you can do it, too.

Next, I'm thinking of trying birds and owls.

Here are some photos while I was doing the floral wreath, which you will also recognize as my newly installed header image above. I got so excited today seeing how I was able to digitize my calligraphy and artworks!

Happy happy weekend to you!

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