asked: on street photography

nameistoocommon asked: hello!! i really adore your photos esp your street photographs. would you mind sharing us, your followers some tips in shooting at the streets? :) cause i personally am a bit shy when it comes to street photography. :D

Thanks :) but to be honest, i feel that street photography is something i need to improve on, because like you, i get shy and cautious taking pictures of people.

taking pictures of people without their consent is a big issue to some. The best i think would be to ask their permission before you take the shot. If this is not applicable then probably, you have to make sure they don’t see you taking their picture or that you’re not in any way intruding on what they’re doing. Be as subtle as you can. Most of the time, you could capture the best moments when your subjects are not looking.

Using a telephoto lens would be helpful because it would allow you to take shots of subjects far from you. But remember, big cameras tend to attract attention so using a compact but good camera would also be a good idea. In my opinion, substance is more important than quality in street photography.

Again, i’m not a pro at this so what i told you were just based on my experience. Anyone is free to share their tips or correct me if i may have thought wrong.

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