Weekend Projects

I spotted this kitten during one of the weddings we covered last Thursday. Nothing too special about how it looked. I instantly remembered how I find cat eyes very fierce that it would so much like to take a picture of them directly staring at me. This little one was hiding under a seat at Gabby's Bistro. I quickly aimed my camera at it and mimicked a cat sound and said "meeew!" Right then, it looked up and I got more or less a pair of cat eyes staring back at me.

It's amazing how graceful cats move. And they always look feminine, the way they tilt their heads, the way they stare back at you, the way they move their bodies and position them while resting. I've never really been fond of cats as pets but they are quite interesting to observe.

From that wedding we were covering that day, the bride's shoes were quite nice. I like the glittery studs and the sheer material. It has red soles, made popular by every pair of Louboutins.

I've also been coming up with more ideas to upcycle materials lying around the house, mostly paper supplies, cardboards, empty tape rolls, kraft boards and similar stuff.

Pinterest has been really helpful with ideas and this was the last one I did, a DIY scrapbook made with ribbed cardboard and ten sheets of ivory cardstock as pages.

And a spare notepad with an ugly cover, gave it a little makeover. I think I like this camera series.

Thanks for looking! Wishing you a happy weekend!

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