Palawan in Film

I managed to take some photos using my handy dandy toy camera, which I like to use whenever i get to travel because it's so light and it doesn't catch a lot of attention. What I really do mostly is just point and shoot at things hoping I get decent shots when I finally see them after processing.

The panoramic photos were shot using the same camera, where there's a feature to take fake panoramas where black plastic plates cover a third of the top and bottom edges of the frame. I'm not quite happy with the colors on this one, maybe I'll stop using this camera for now and use the SLR. But I think it could be the scanning. I never really trust the scanning jobs of local labs but I don't have a choice as I don't have one that gives good results. Gosh, if only film photography does not cost much.

Vivitar PN2011
Solid Gold 200


  1. These are all really beautiful but I've gotta say, I'm very intrigued by the clouds. :)

  2. It's amazing how photos shot with film look like they could last forever. They give off this vintage vibe that no Photoshop skill can achieve. Kahit yung from point and shoot cameras from the 90s. Nice photos. :)

    1. That's true. film photos give me this nice nostalgic feeling that digital can't.

      Thanks for dropping by.

  3. i will always be fond of your grainy film shots. <3


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