Loving Kindle

I bought myself an e-reader this month and I cannot believe I hadn't thought of getting one before. The model I got is a Kindle Keyboard (Kindle 3) with 3G and Wifi. It really makes reading a lot more convenient. What I am constantly in awe with is the e-ink technology. When I'm reading, I forget that I'm reading words from an electronic device because the words look so much like it's printed on paper.

Another thing that I love about it is that I don't have to constantly flip on pages because when I read a traditional book, I constantly need to use both hands to hold the book open as well as flip pages. With the Kindle, I can just press the turn page buttons found on both the left and right side. I can also increase the size of the font as I like.

This is just what I need since I've been dying to get back to reading books and minimize staring at a computer screen almost all day.

But I will still enjoy reading the traditional books. In fact, I also got myself a few Penguin Popular Classics (orange covers, yes! yey!) which I've been really dying to get.

By the way, here's me flipping through a book a few nights ago. I look like a ghost. I know.

I also added a page where you could find my virtual bookshelf in Goodreads.com. If you want to follow my reading updates, you can add me as friend.

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