A Little Bit of Sunshine

It's been raining a lot the past few days and rainy days make me lazy. But despite one rainy afternoon, I went out to take more snapshots for my portrait project. Happy to have two of my friends participate, Freslyn and Joselle (who celebrated her birthday just recently so her friends gave her a Stewey birthday cake!).

And I know I stopped adding my name on my photos but I recently saw a local ad on tv promoting Buglasan festival and using some of my photos without my permission. So now I think maybe I'll be adding them again because let's admit it, we really cannot control who takes our work and use them without at least notifying us.


  1. I love the creamy background on the flower photo Kat! And thanks for the above photo :D

    1. Thank you selle! product of my tinkering with Lightroom recently. And you're welcome! Always a pleasure!

  2. Wow splendid as always! ;)


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